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People of USA

We are a team who believes in solidarity, accessibility, and integrity.

  • Disability Futures Manager
    Ezra Benus headshot
  • Communications Coordinator
    Screenshot 2024 06 17 at 14.11.04
    Kate 2 500x500
  • Program Assistant
    Sól Casique headshot
  • Development Coordinator
    Jacqui Dumornay headshot
  • Program Manager
    Jessica Ferrer illustration
    Jessica ferrer headshot
  • Program Manager
    Tess Haratonik headshot
  • Program Coordinator, Initiatives
  • Initiatives Manager
    Allie Linn illustration
    Allie Linn Headshot
  • Program Director
    Anne Illustration
    Anne Ishii headshot crop
  • Designer-in-Residence
    Nadine Nakanishi headshot
  • Program Assistant
    Luz Orozco illustration
    Luz Orozco Headshot
  • President & CEO
    Judilee Reed illustration
    Judilee Reed headshot
  • Chief of Staff
    Sara illustration
    Sara Slawnik headshot crop
  • Advancement Assistant
    Shivani Somaiya square crop
  • Program Manager
    Adia illustration
    Adia Sykes headshot crop
  • Staff Accountant
    Mandy illustration
    Mandy Thomas headshot

Learn more about the mission our team believes in.

About Us