Photo by Sara Sams.
“My work originates in the fragmentation of my lived experiences and the hallucinations that those fragments bring. Each fragment is a conductor, the conductors circuits, the circuits an ecosystem. Those ecosystems are what make up my stories and poems.”
Bojan Louis is Diné of the Naakai dine’é, born for the Áshííhí. He is the author of the short story collection Sinking Bell (Graywolf Press, 2022), the poetry collection Currents (BkMk Press 2017), and the nonfiction chapbook Troubleshooting Silence in Arizona (The Guillotine Series 2012). His work can also be found in Shapes of Native Nonfiction: Collected Essays by Contemporary Writers, When the Light of the World Was Subdued, Our Songs Came Through: A Norton Anthology of Native Nations Poetry, Native Voices Anthology, and The Diné Reader: An Anthology of Navajo Literature. His honors include a MacDowell Fellowship, a 2018 American Book Award, a 2023 National Endowments for the Arts Literature Fellowship, a 2023 American Book Award, and a 2023 Southwest Book Award. In addition to teaching at the Institute for American Indian Arts, Louis is an associate professor in the Creative Writing MFA and American Indian Studies programs at the University of Arizona.
Donor -This award was generously supported by Poetry Foundation.
This artist page was last updated on: 01.30.2025