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A woman with short, dark brown hair looks directly at the camera with a small smile. She is wearing burgundy lipstick and a traditional woven dress from northern Mexico. Her arms are crossed loosely in front of her, showing a large snake tattoo wrapping around her right arm and a tattoo of three lines on her left forearm. The background is out of focus and shows an empty, wooden white hallway.

Photo by Ruben Diaz.


Carolina Caycedo



Los Angeles, California

Carolina Caycedo is a Colombian, London-born, multidisciplinary artist known for her performances, videos,  artist’s books, sculptures, and installations that examine environmental and social issues. Caycedo’s  work contributes to the construction of environmental historical memory as a fundamental element for non-repetition of violence against human and nonhuman entities. She is currently a nominee for the Artes Mundi 10 prize in Wales. Caycedo lives and works in Los Angeles.

Donor -This award was generously supported by the Mellon Foundation.

This artist page was last updated on: 08.26.2024

<em>Reciprocal Sacrifice</em> by Carolina Caycedo thumbnail

Reciprocal Sacrifice by Carolina. Caycedo, 2022. Single channel HD Video. 12:40 minutes.

Video courtesy of the artist.

A large-scale drawing full of intricate detail and vibrant color that depicts a map of a river area with events and locations illustrated in larger-than-life scale, including factory buildings spewing smoke, roadways, farmers, and groups of people marching or posing together.

Tyne Catchment by Carolina Caycedo, 2022. Color pencil on paper, dimensions 71.6 × 137.8 inches. Commissioned by Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art, Gateshead, United Kingdom.

Photo courtesy of the artist.

Photo of a white-walled gallery hung with brightly-colored mobile sculptures woven from various materials. The installation contrasts wide, airy structures against more solid pieces such as hanging medallions and a long, hanging sculpture composed of glass and plastic bottles.

Installation view of Carolina Caycedo: Cosmotarrayas​, 2020. Institute of Contemporary Art/Boston.

Photo by Mel Taing; courtesy of the artist and ICA Boston.