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Kara, a white woman with a short bob haircut and bangs, wears a black turtleneck and small hoop earrings.

Photo by Clare Gatto.


Kara Güt

She // Her // Hers

Digital Media Artist

Cleveland, Ohio

Over the past few years I’ve found that making digital art is almost always a collaborative, and often community-oriented, practice.”
Kara Güt is a multidisciplinary artist whose primary focus is image-based, digital media. Güt's work investigates the shape of human intimacy formed by internet lifestyle, constructed detachment from reality, and the power dynamics of the virtual. Her work has been shown at Hybrid Box, Hellerau European Centre for the Arts, Dresden; Hesse Flatow, New York; Las Cigarreras Cultural Centre, Alicante; Azkuna Zentroa, Alhóndiga Bilbao; Pioneer Works, Brooklyn; and Museum of Contemporary Art, Detroit among others. She received an MFA from Cranbrook Academy of Art and is an alumni of Pioneer Works Tech Residency, the SPACES artist residency, and the Banff Visual + Digital Art residency. Güt lives and works in Ohio.

Donor -The Knight Arts + Tech Fellowship is supported by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation.

This artist page was last updated on: 07.31.2024

A digital rendering of a two figures centered on screen amidst a snowy, mountainous landscape. They are collided, or maybe embraced, so that the digital glitch creates bare limbs and muted garments that are indistinguishable from one another. Around the border of the image is another pattern from the natural environment, this one rocky and filled with trees.

Intimacy Mod II (variations on a theme) by Kara Güt, 2020. Video, 8 minutes 32 seconds. Commissioned by The Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit and Daata for Daily Rush Season 3, curated by Pat Elifritz.

Image courtesy of the artist and The Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit.

In a small room bathed in blue light resembling a shipping container hangs a video monitor from the ceiling and two dark pillows on the floor. On the monitor is an image of a video game live stream; an inset of a woman with a headset against a video game avatar in armor standing against a large cliff, and the words "I think I know how to help you but you'll have to trust me" typed into the chat above.

Installation view of Hurt/Comfort by Kara Güt, 2022. Video installation, 11 minutes 34 seconds. Installed at Hybrid Box, Hellerau European Art Center. Organized and curated by PYLON.

Image courtesy of PYLON Contemporary Media Art.

In a spacious brick room, four people sit at individual desks with laptops on a shallow stage, reciting out towards an audience on all three sides of the stage. Behind the performers is a large screen with a projection of a video game showing a man on a horse in a desert scene.

Welcome to my Desert Nexus by Kara Güt, 2021. Performance, 1 hour. Performed at Pioneer Works with Tommy Martinez, Emma Levesque-Schaefer, and Noah D'Orazio and composed by Justin Majetich.

Photo by Walter Wlodarczyk; courtesy of Pioneer Works.