Karen Ann Hoffman
She // Her // Hers
Haudenosaunee Raised Beadwork Artist
Stevens Point, Wisconsin

Photo by Wisconsin Public Radio/JPotter.
Karen Ann Hoffman is a Haudenosaunee raised beadwork artist and citizen of the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin. Hoffman lives, hunts, and gardens in a rural area of central Wisconsin sheltered by trees and grasslands and poised on the edge of a marsh.
Raised beadwork is a rare and elegant style whose forms and designs reach back over fourteen thousand years. It is a cultural hallmark for those of the Six Nations, linking the lessons of their past with the celebration of their today and the joyful anticipation of their future. It is this long and deep cultural connection that beckons and inspires her. “As a beader,” Hoffman says, “it is my privilege and responsibility to peer through that cultural lens, reflect on contemporary Indigenous experiences, and describe what I see on a field of velvet using glass beads and a steel needle.”
A slow and thoughtful beader, Hoffman often spends a year or more in the creation of one of her legacy pieces. Crafted to be exquisitely culturally connected, these pieces are brought to life slowly and gently. They speak, she says, not for her as an individual, but for her People — past, present, and future. They sing the lessons of their Ancestors in voices strong and clear.
Donor -This award was generously supported by the Builders Initiative.
This artist page was last updated on: 07.08.2024