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Khadija, a brown-skinned woman in her 40s with brown eyes, curly salt-and-pepper hair, a white silk blouse, and a gold necklace, is smiling and looking at the camera. The background is dark on the left side, lighter toward the right.

Photo by T. Amari.


Khadijah Queen

She // Her // Hers


Khadijah Queen is a multidisciplinary writer, professor, visual artist, and disabled veteran. She is the author of six books, most recently Anodyne, published by Tin House in 2020; it won the William Carlos Williams Award from the Poetry Society of America and was a finalist for the Colorado Book Award. Her fifth book, I'm So Fine: A List of Famous Men & What I Had On, published by YesYes Books 2017, was praised in O Magazine, The New Yorker, Rain Taxi, and elsewhere as “quietly devastating” and “a portrait of defiance that turns the male gaze inside out.” Her verse play Non-Sequitur, released by Litmus Press 2015, won the Leslie Scalapino Award for Innovative Women's Performance Writing. The award included a full production at Theaterlab in New York City, directed by Fiona Templeton and performed by the Relationship theater company.

Her hybrid essay about the pandemic, “False Dawn,” appeared in Harper’s Magazine and was named a Notable Essay of 2020. With The Cyborg Jillian Weise, Queen co-edited a two-part op-ed on poetry and disability published by The New York Times in 2019. Individual poems, interviews, and essays have appeared in Ploughshares, American Poetry Review, Fence, Poetry, Gulf Coast, The Offing, The Poetry Review (UK), and elsewhere. A Cave Canem alum, she holds a PhD in English and Literary Arts from University of Denver and teaches creative writing, literature, and literary theory. Her work is represented by Monika Woods at Triangle House Literary.

Donor -Disability Futures is supported by Ford Foundation and Mellon Foundation.

This artist page was last updated on: 08.20.2024