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Leo, a Latin American man with clear glasses and dark wavy hair, sits in front of a patterned grayscale backdrop. He wears a woven shirt with an olive collar and a geometric design.

Photo by Vanessa Diaz.


Leo Castañeda

He // Him // His

Experimental Videogame Designer and Multimedia Artist

Miami, Florida

Leo Castañeda is a multimedia artist and video game designer living in Miami. Melding gaming, painting, virtual reality, drawing, sculptural furniture, and wearables, Castañeda's work renders surreal posthuman social structures and anatomies. For over ten years he has been developing the Levels and Bosses series using Unreal Engine to create interconnected transmedia worlds that dissolve the boundary between analog and digital.

Castañeda received his BFA from Cooper Union in 2010 and MFA from Hunter College in 2014. Residencies include SOMA, Khoj International Artists’ Association, Bronx Museum AIM Fellowship, and Oolite Arts Studio Residency, and exhibitions and screenings include Hek Basel, Museo la Tertulia, Bronx Museum of the Arts, Bass Museum, Espacio Art Nexus, Frost Art Museum, and the Children’s Museum of Manhattan. His work has been featured across Rhizome, Killscreen, ArtNexus, El Pais, El Nuevo Herald, and Vice. He is a recipient of the South Florida Cultural Consortium Visual/Media Artists Fellowship, Locust Projects Wavemaker Grant, Harpo Foundation Grants for Visual Artists, and Oolite Arts Ellies Creator Award. Teaching in South Florida, Castañeda is a professor of 3D animation at Florida International University and New World School of the Arts in Miami.

Donor -The Knight Arts + Tech Fellowship is supported by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation.

This artist page was last updated on: 07.31.2024

An installation view of a gallery show in a large room with tall ceilings: in the background is a wall-sized projection of a video game, depicting a surreal, abstracted landscape, and in the foreground is a temporary wall outfitted with an amorphous texture and television monitors featuring two playable game demos. Nearby are biomorphic textured carpets and angular interactive gaming chairs.

Herramientas (Levels and Bosses) by Leo Castañeda with Otro Inventario, 2022. Multimedia gaming installation, dimensions variable. Installation view at Locust Projects, Miami.

Photo by Zach Balber.

A digital rendering of a rounded interior space with an undulating floor with various garments, tools, and large, otherworldly architectural forms lining the perimeter.

Herramientas (Levels and Bosses) by Leo Castañeda, 2022. VR, dimensions variable. Installation view at Locust Projects, Miami.

A digital rendering of amorphous material, resembling an explosion, over a craggily landscape, rendered in grays and muted greens and browns.

Levels and Bosses (still) by Leo Castañeda, 2021. Unreal Engine and video, dimensions variable.