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Luis Camnitzer

He // Him // His

Conceptual Artist

New York, New York

Photo of Luis Camnitzer.

Photo by Selby Hickey.

Conceptual artist Luis Camnitzer was raised in Uruguay and has lived in New York since 1964. Camnitzer works primarily in printmaking, sculpture, and installation, producing bitingly humorous works with a focus on language and socio-political concerns as in Memorial (2009), in which he inserted the names of the “disappeared” in Uruguay during the dictatorship into the telephone book. Camnitzer is also a critic and curator, known for his work on expanding the canon of conceptual art to include Latin American artists.

Donor -This award was generously supported by the Ford Foundation.

This artist page was last updated on: 07.08.2024

Artwork by Luis Camnitzer.

Insults, from Barely There by Luis Camnitzer, 2009. Vinyl.

Photo courtesy of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Detroit.