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A fifty-year-old Latinx person with glasses squints at the viewer. Their salt-and-pepper hair is in two long braids, and they are wearing a t-shirt with Huitzilopochtli on it.

Photo by Diana Solis.


Nicole Marroquin

She // Her // Hers
They // Them // Theirs

Interdisciplinary Artist, Educator, and Researcher

Chicago, Illinois

Nicole Marroquin is a teacher, educator, and artist who explores spatial justice, belonging, and Chicago’s Latinx history through projects that decenter dominant narratives to address displacement and erasure. Marroquin researches student uprisings in Chicago Public Schools and queer Chicanx public memory, with the goal of recuperating public memory of youth and women’s leadership in the struggle for justice.

She has presented projects at the Association of Research Libraries’ annual conference, the Kochi-Muziris Biennale, the Jane Addams Hull-House Museum, Printed Matter, and more. In 2019, she was granted 3Arts and Propeller Fund awards. Her essays have appeared in an array of publications, including the Chicago Social Practice History Series, Organize Your Own: The Politics and Poetics of Self-Determination Movements, revista contratiempo, and Where the Future Came From.

Marroquin is a Sor Juana Award recipient and a member of the Chicago ACT and Justseeds artist collectives.

Donor -This award was generously supported by the Builders Initiative.

This artist page was last updated on: 07.17.2024

An illustration of a white, red, and brown monument on a blue background. The monument’s columns stretch and bend towards the entablature inscribed with the words "Carter Harrison Technical High School Walkouts Black Mondays." Below the words are two portraits — one of Victor Adams and the other of Sharron Matthews.

Walkout at Harrison High School 1968 by Nicole Marroquin, 2019. Silkscreen. Published with Hoofprint Studios.

Photo by Liz Born.

An image of two uneven rows displaying the name plates of various publications such as "La Raza," "El Manana," and "The Hispanic Times." The typography and sizes vary, but all of the letters are printed in black and red on a white background.

Untitled by Nicole Marroquin, 2018. Silkscreen, newspaper mastheads from bilingual Spanish language and Latinx-serving communities in Chicago, 23 × 48 inches. Published with Hoofprint Studios.

Photo by Liz Born.

A row of miniature, hand-crafted ceramic row homes and stores. Other ceramic buildings are in the background, out of focus.

Nicole Marroquin. Future Community, made by youth from Benito Juarez High School in Chicago, IL, 2016–2017. Ceramic, dimensions vary.

Photo courtesy of the artist.