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Rodney McMillian

He // Him // His

Multidisciplinary Artist

Los Angeles, California

Photo of Rodney McMillian.

Photo courtesy of the artist.

Rodney McMillian has a complex artistic practice that embraces a wide range of media to investigate social history and culture. He uses conceptual art strategies and applies them to painting to explore its relationship to language and content and its role as an artwork. His installations often incorporate various media, including video, assemblage, sculpture, and painting. In more recent video performances he reveals his intense interest in history and how past events relate to the contemporary political situation.

Donor -This award was generously supported by Eli and Edythe Broad / The Broad Art Foundation.

This artist page was last updated on: 07.08.2024

Installation by Rodney McMillian.

Rodney McMillian installation in International Artist-in-Residence New Works 08.1 exhibition, ArtPace, San Antonio, TX.

Photo by Todd Johnson, courtesy of ArtPace San Antonio and Susanne Vielmetter Los Angeles Projects.