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Roldolfo, a fair-skinned Cuban man, faces the viewer with a gentle expression. His dark hair and peppered grey goatee are neatly trimmed. He wears a black shirt with a neon pink logo of a palm tree that radiates three semi-circles.

Rodolfo Peraza

He // Him // His

New Media Artist

Miami, Florida

Rodolfo Peraza is a Cuban-born multimedia artist whose work focuses on public spaces, both virtual and physical. In 2009, Peraza founded Fanguito Estudio in Havana, and in 2013, he launched the VRLab for the development of browser-based VR technology. In 2016, Peraza created MUD Foundation to advance the intersections between art and digital technologies by implementing artistic and educational programs.​

Peraza holds an MFA from The University of Arts of Cuba (Instituto Superior de Arte). His work has been exhibited internationally at events such as SIGGRAPH, Los Angeles; the Pérez Art Museum, Miami; the Wifredo Lam Center for Contemporary Art, Havana; the XII and XIII Havana Biennial; Künstlerhaus, Vienna; and the Jumex Collection, Mexico City, among others. His work has also been included in the AGO Museum in Toronto, and the JUMEX permanent collections. Among other recognitions, his project Pilgram: Naked Link 2.0 received the Cannonball's WaveMaker Grant.

Donor -The Knight Arts + Tech Fellowship is supported by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation.

This artist page was last updated on: 07.31.2024

Photograph taken from a first-person perspective in a car’s interior. A hand holds a phone next to a laptop with a free WiFi popup open. A router sits on the dashboard.

Guerrilla Hotspot by Rodolfo Peraza, 2016 – ongoing. Public WiFi network, network real-time visualization with WebXR, dimensions variable.

Image courtesy of the artist.

A dark rectangular room illuminated by a projection of intersecting white lines. A table to the right of the projection has VR glasses that glow white and blue.

Guerrilla Hotspot VR Visualization on Web XR by Rodolfo Peraza, 2018–ongoing. Public WiFi network, network real time visualization with Web XR. Installation at MUD Foundation, Miami.

Image courtesy of the artist.

A black and white car, resembling a cop car, with the words “Data Interceptor” printed on the door sits parked out front a brown duel unit house. It is day, and the surrounding area is shaded by palm trees.

Guerrilla Hotspot (car hotspot) by Rodolfo Peraza, 2016 – ongoing. Public Wifi network and network real time visualization with Web XR. Installed in Wynwood, Miami.