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Terence Nance


Brooklyn, New York

Photo of Terence Nance.

Photo by Barbara Anastacio.

Terence Nance was born in Dallas, Texas in what was then referred to as the State-Thomas community. He learned personhood there. Nance’s first feature film, An Oversimplification of Her Beauty, premiered at the 2012 Sundance Film Festival and was released theatrically in 2013. His most recent films SWIMMING IN YOUR SKIN AGAIN and UNIVITILLEN premiered at the 2016 Sundance Film Festival and the 2016 New York Film Festival, respectively. In 2017, Nance premiered a performance piece 18 BLACK BOYS AGES 1-18 WHO HAVE ARRIVED AT THE SINGULARITY AND ARE THUS SPIRITUAL MACHINES at Sundance. He is currently at work on healing, curiosity, and interdimentiality.

Donor -This award was generously supported by the Ford Foundation.

This artist page was last updated on: 01.04.2025

<em>You and I and You</em> by Terence Nance thumbnail.

You and I and You by Terence Nance, 2015.

Video courtesy of the artist.