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Trajal Harrell

He // Him // His


Douglas, Georgia

A headshot of a person with a brown complexion and short cropped hair stands in front a blue tiled exterior. He suppresses a little smile and wears a brown coat over a black shirt.

Photo by Bea Borgers.

As an artist, I am most interested in weakness. Dance has long been a purveyor of strength in its depictions and practice. I want to address weakness as a site of investigation and honorable representation rather than only a temporary state for transformation.”

Trajal Harrell gained international recognition for creating a series of works that bring together the tradition of voguing with early postmodern dance. In his latest work, Harrell also combines theoretical and formal ideas from butoh​ and early modern dance. Weaving the links between different dance ​histories, the artist puts the body at the center of his research, exploring the ways in which it becomes a receptacle of memory, ​speculation, the past​, presence, and historical ​figures who have inspired this work.

Intertwining notions of time, historical imagination, and transcultural references, he reveals the multitude of layers that make up the richness of ​the histor​i​es of ​art and contemporary dance. He has shown work in a multitude of venues, museums, art centers, and festivals nationally and internationally. Harrell was most recently awarded the 2024 Silver Lion at the Venice Dance Biennale.

Donor -This award was generously supported by Doris Duke Foundation.

This artist page was last updated on: 01.30.2025

Trajal Harrell Hoochie Koochie still

Excerpts from Hoochie Koochie, a museum survey of Trajal Harrell's work. The Barbican Centre Visual Art Gallery, London.

Holland Festival 2022  Porca Miseria   Trajal Harrell 0 7 screenshot

An excerpt from Maggie the Cat by Trajal Harrell.

Trajal Harrell   The Köln Concert I Trailer 0 12 screenshot

An excerpt from The Koln Concert by Trajal Harrell.