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New Suns: Gathering Movements

This issue explores artists’ connections to labor as thinkers, activists, and documenters.

A photograph of hands working with what appears to be thin strips of material, in a dark container. The image is framed by white concentric rounded squares, with "Gathering Movements" written in white text on a black background at the bottom.
Author -Editorial Team Date -04.02.2024

Where is the labor in an artistic practice? What is appreciated as labor, and where do these definitions become murky?

Artistic labor tends to be undervalued and misunderstood, with the focus on end-product. This leaves many moments within a practice unaccounted for, such as the untold hours developing a skill or acquiring and maintaining equipment and the hours spent dreaming, thinking, observing, and questioning. Artists are wonderful investigators into these smaller moments that make up a day’s work, and their analysis is key to understanding labor issues that affect all of us. Artists thrive in those in-between spaces where dreaming and play become part of the work of creating a better world. We invite you to explore those spaces with us.

Contributors include Alx Velozo, Angela Washko, Juliana Rowen Barton, Shelby Rodeffer, Tammie Rubin, Tanya Crane, and Veil Machine.