USA collaborates with foundations, philanthropists, and other field leaders to create pathways of support for artists across the nation.
Seed and Bloom: Detroit
Gilbert Family Foundation and Kresge Foundation
Seed and Bloom: Detroit supports Detroit-based, BIPOC artists growing their artistic practices into sustainable organizations and businesses that increase access to arts and culture programming.
Maxwell/Hanrahan Awards in Craft
Maxwell/Hanrahan Foundation
The Maxwell/Hanrahan Awards in Craft are a celebration of artists and craftspeople committed to unique and visionary material exploration, with practices encompassing the stewardship of living cultural traditions, unique insights in material study, and/or advancement of craft.
Knight Arts + Tech Fellowship
The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
The Knight Arts + Tech Fellowship supports artists working with innovative approaches to technology and new media in Knight cities.
The Rainin Arts Fellowship
Kenneth Rainin Foundation
The Rainin Arts Fellowship was established to recognize and celebrate Bay Area artists working in dance, film, public space, and theater, who push the boundaries of creative expression, anchor local communities, and advance the field.
Disability Futures
Ford Foundation and Mellon Foundation
Disability Futures is aimed at increasing the visibility of disabled creative practitioners across disciplines and geography and amplifying their voices individually and collectively.
We work closely with our partners to conduct research, design programs, and administer funds in response to their missions and the needs of artists.
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