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Knight Arts + Tech Fellowship

The Knight Arts + Tech Fellowship supports artists working with innovative approaches to technology and new media in Knight cities.

A refurbished interstellar backhoe outfitted with a bucket loader, three LCD monitors, multiple pairs of headphones, and long, spindly legs sits in the center of the gallery. The wall to the left displays a video projection of a 3D rendered ocean and the wall to the right displays a projected red orb.
Black square with “Knight Fellowship” written in white text in two lines at the center of the image. A white bubble sits in between and partially on top of the two words. Inside the bubble in black text reads “Arts + Tech.”

Sondra Perry, Eclogue for [In]habitability, 2017. 3 channel video projection, backhoe, three channel synced monitor video, sound.

Photo by Natali Wiseman.


The Knight Arts + Tech Fellowship supports artists innovating with new media and technologies, with particular emphasis on artists based in Knight cities: Akron, OH; Charlotte, NC; Detroit, MI; Macon, GA; Miami, FL; Philadelphia, PA; San Jose, CA; and Saint Paul, MN. Knight Arts + Tech Fellows explore methods such as artificial intelligence, augmented and virtual reality, immersive installations, video game design, and software coding. Fellows receive unrestricted awards of $50,000 each to support their practice and are featured in an accompanying online publication, Shift Space, which explores new media landscapes and seeks to build a network of practitioners in the field.

How We Collaborate

In partnership with the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, USA administers the Knight Arts + Tech Fellowship to support artists in the Knight Foundation’s focus cities and across the nation who are exploring new and emerging technologies in thoughtful, creative, and evocative ways to advance the field. In conjunction with the fellowship, USA also manages and produces Shift Space, a web-based publication exploring new media landscapes and spotlighting each cohort of Knight Arts + Tech Fellows. Each year, we work with a guest editor to invite a selection of artists and writers to spotlight the year’s cohort of fellows and critically reflect on the field of art and technology. We partner with Team Design and Descriptive Video Works to produce the Shift Space site.

Duration: 2021 - 2023

Services: Program design, Publication design, Administration